
The Ultimate Shop Display Guide

Store Display Fixtures


How to Design and Use Shop Displays

How you use store fixtures plays an important role in how customers view your products. Use these tips to design and use shop displays effectively. 


Lighting is how you light up your displays. Putting lighting in the right place makes your products look more attractive to customers. Lighting is usually overlooked, but you can use it to give products the appeal that customers want. 

Your Message

Showroom display fixtures are a chance to convey your company’s message to customers. They are an extension of your company’s branding and marketing strategies. Include specific elements that show customers what your values are. 

Make Display Changes

Having the same display for a long time becomes a static and boring sight. Make changes to your displays periodically to keep your store exciting. Customers will notice these changes and stay interested in your store. It’s also a chance to consistently improve your displays, which customers will appreciate. A new display can make a store seem new and exciting. Plus, it makes customers think that you always have new things to try, which will bring them back into the store often. 

Do Not Create Clutter

Keep your displays simple and visually appealing. Clutter looks messy, no matter how neat it is. Focus on simple but impactful displays for a cleaner, more refined look. 

Perception is Reality

Shop displays are your first impression with customers. Partner with a fixture manufacturer to create modern retail store fixtures to send the right message on the first try. Call Midwest Store Fixtures (MW-SF) at (708) 672-2900 for help with your store fixtures.